Thursday, December 4, 2008

“Kaverza” for Animators

“Kaverza” for Animators
Caricature and animation festival “Kaverza” will take place in Lviv on the 14-15 of December. “Garbuz Studio” joined the process of its organization. At the same time a famous artist and a participant of international exhibitions Mihay Tymoshenko is an inspirer and a guardian of “Kaverza”.
At the moment you have a good opportunity to take part in caricature contest “Euro-2012”. Your works are being waited for till 12 of December at artistic gallery “Dzyga”.
A special attention must be paid to a round table which will take place on the 14-th of December and will unite animators from all over Ukraine. The questions discussed will concern the tendencies of Ukrainian animation development, author and commercial films, commercial animation, copyright in animation and others. Professionals will reveal some of their secrets and tell about their last most successful projects.
Guests and citizens of L’viv will be able to visit Dzyga exhibition hall and look at the best festival caricatures. The same day the winners rewarding will take place in “Picasso” club. Animation films showing, “A Life Symphony” cartoon presentation, performance of “Klitka” theatre called “Amore” and break-dancing of “Tyron City” band will make this festive party more interesting.
“The main aim of this year festival, which is directed to comic culture development, is to excite the curiosity in the first place of Lvivers. People mustn’t lose sense of humor. At the same time it would be a pity to stop such a good tradition of animation festival. Its history is a continual transformation. Thus, in Ukraine it was held in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Last year it was on purpose that I didn’t organize the festival. Nobody occupied this niche. One more year is coming to an end while no events like this took place, - accentuated Mihay Timoshenko, - Animation and comics must be developed. We have so many talented people”.
According to the words of Garbuz Studio director Nazar Rubashny this festival is to get animation in Ukraine and Lviv moving. “We need surroundings where communication succeeds even more in connection with artistic decisions and commerce. The development of animation can be seen in Kiev. However there are talented people in Lviv, too. They need only professional education to give good results”, - told Nazar Rubashny.
From the history of the festival
Lviv is open to animation. This year caricature and animation festival “Kaverza” confirms this. It is said that good traditions are worth of continuing. In 1999 artist and sculptor Oleg Dergachov organized International caricature symposium “Dyvakuvate Tysyacholittya”. In 2002 animation “Silver Fly” flied out. This festival travelled to Florence. Italians liked the idea to be united by animation films…
In 2003 artists Volodymyr Dergachov and Mihay Tymoshenko brought back this animation festival. Thus, Ukrainian audience became acquainted with animation products of Serbia, Russia, China and Canada. Research of animation development tendencies in different countries showed us the necessity of festival continuation and development.

by Oksana Nychyporuk

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